Friday, May 8, 2020

Forensics Analysis Forensics Drug - 772 Words

Forensics Drug Analysis The learning of forensics first starts off with the understanding of forensics drug analysis. Learning how they work at crime scenes or at a toxicology lab will help you know more about this subject if that’s what you’re interested in. Forensic toxicology Relates to the assist in the detection of drugs and poisons inside of the human body which gets tested for whether or not it influenced a crime scene.The need for forensic drug analysis can be a really big help for crime scene work ,but it can also be used to determine drugs inside of hospitalized patients for suspicion of poison. Not only does it examine inside of human bodies for certain cases situations. It also examines the way atoms and molecules in matter†¦show more content†¦Higher purity usually gets called in for illegal drug trafficking and a determination is required usually in federal cases. Toxicologist also have to classify the drug itself if it sits in the synthetic category or the prescription drugs category. Synthetic Marijuana is the most casually report of poisoning found in people’s system. Bath salts is also another big worry that is labeled as dangerous and not meant for human consumption. A surprising fact is that more people die or overdose off of prescription drugs than any other drug combined. Abuse in these drugs are mostly found in college and even high school students. The reason for this is because Abusers usually are thinking that a doctor’s prescription drug is safer than a street drug. â€Å"Drugs of Abuse,† U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration), (2012) accessed 8/8/2013. Chemistry Explained, Forensic Chemistry web page, accessed 8/8/2013. Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG) Guidelines, Edition 6.0, Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs), accessed 8/8/2013. Murphy,D.; McKenzie, N.; Welch, D. and Houston, C. â€Å"World’s biggest ecstasy bust,†, The Sydney Morning Herald [Online] 2008, (accessed 8/8/2013). Lyle, D.P., M.D. â€Å"Chapter 11: Toxicology: Drugs, Poisons, and Toxins,† Forensics: A Guide for Writers, (Howdunit), Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, OH (2008), pp. 250–263.Show MoreRelatedTechnology And Science By Law Enforcement1653 Words   |  7 PagesThe National Institute of Justice defines forensic science as, â€Å"the application of science, such as physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering to matters of law,† (2014). The emphasis here is the use of technology and science by law enforcement officers and agencies and is accepted and recognized by the criminal justice system. It is seen as scientific technology or Criminalistics, (Dempsey Forst, 2013). 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