Wednesday, November 20, 2019

3900-MGT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

3900-MGT - Essay Example They termed to be basic, broad and underlying. They are inclusive of having a need for identification, distribution, having a target market, positioning and message development. ii) When it comes to marketing nowadays, it has become more technical and has more complications than the traditional one. The challenge of using the traditional one is that, it is considered inefficient and expensive. Strategise, knowing the kind of business one wants to venture in. Setting of goals is a convenient way of gauging where the business will be in a number of years. They should be measurable, specific, relevant to the business, attainable, and should have a limit of time. It is also vital to define the market that one will be targeting. For example, in this company, we made a goal to having the products distributed regionally in a year’s time. Executing a variety of marketing strategies, when the company focuses to dwell on using a specific strategy, it is bound to fail. The use of a variety will expose the business to a wide range of opportunities. Using social media, e-marketing, use of direct mail, the referral strategy, networking and giving of coupons is another way of marketing. It is advisable to measure and test, once there is analysis it is easy to determine and eliminate what does not work as opposed to doing things without checking the progress. The company did an analysis and discovered that one of the products that are cooking oil; that which moved fast was the one that contained no cholesterol. Persistence and consistency, it is convenient for consumers to be assured that they would be in a position to get the product in the market. Marketing is said to be a process, not an event. The company has continued to have their products available in the market for a couple of years. Building on trust and value, it is very vital for customers to be aware of

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